Dear Kelsey, Amy, Jessica, Donald and all other secret party agents,
I would like to confess my undying love for all of you. Not only have you proven just how much you love me, but you have proven that you are truly ninja worthy. I have to thank each one of you for working with my amazing Husband on this secret party extravaganza to welcome me into my 30's properly.
I would like to tell you all how thankful that I am that you have kept my sweet, well meaning other half on path for a ladies birthday party instead of a Joe Dirt fiasco. While he means well, my better half gets very excited about themes and may or may not have gone a little off course by himself. I would also like to state that you ladies have made sure that no toilet bowls will be present for food items to be eaten out of, and for that.... I am TRULY thankful for.
While I do not know much about this secret (or not so secret) birthday bash I do know all of you. You are the most amazing women and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. You are always there for me when I need you and are already making me feel like the luckiest *almost* 30yr old ever! I am truly honored to call you friend and I will work tirelessly to make sure you know just how much I appreciate and love all of you!
Here's to 30!
To My Husband,
Thank you for taking on my birthday and making me feel so special. It warms my heart that you are taking such an interest, putting in the time and really trying to make everything perfect for this epic event. You may or may not have gone a little crazy with the "dirty" in Dirty Thirty, but I love your childlike enthusiasm!! I am so blessed to call you Husband and feel like the luckiest wife in the world! Also, thanks for figuring out what this Pinterest thing is and stalking me on it. You should be given a medal for listening to my birthday demands and dealing with my amazing, crazy, oh so excitable friends. But let's be serious- you like it!
Of course I could go on and on and on about how much I love you and the rest of my friends but then I would expose more of my secrets and knowledge and we can't have that.
Yours Truly,
Better Spy Than You
Ps. I know everything. :)
Until next time...

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