Happy Friday!
*Small rant to start! Hey, it's time to be frank!
Do you know how many crazy hang up, solicitor, quicken loans and automated calls I've received at WORK
today?!! So many. Seriously, stop calling. We're a School District
and we're not interested. How did you even get this number? I swear-
I'm about to "show my *almost* age" and say that my mom was completely
right when she was pissy about solicitors calling her and how
aggravating it is! I mean, I don't even live here! Well, it feels like
I do and I may or may not have a sweet little set up under my
desk...but I digress. Don't you think that if someone needed any of the
above services they would find your business? People are pretty good
about searching out help when they really really needed it.
it's my birthday tomorrow. It's the big 3-0. I'm not sure how I feel
about it. One on hand, I don't think I look like I'm 30 at all, I'll cut
you if you say you thought I was older, but on the other hand, what
does 30 look like?? I have watched Sex in the City for as long as I was
allowed to or maybe before but I'm not going to implicate myself! Do
you know how old Carrie was when they started the season? Let alone how
amazing SJP looked at the end of movie numero dos- well there was that
one scene- oye yav, scary non makeup shot. #notherbestlook
#holycrapdoIlooklikethatwithoutmakeup? Either way. I firmly believe
that 30 is the new 20! I mean, Americans are living longer than ever
and with how health conscious everyone is, I fully expect to not start
"looking/feeling my age" until later on in life. Much later.

probably won't be hearing from me tomorrow since I have a fabulous
surprise party I need to attend for moi! Oh, you didn't now I knew about
my surprise party? You should read this and all about my amazing friends that are putting this Dirty Thirty Redneck Party on! I've donned my party sassy pants and I'm ready to ROCK!
excited to see what 30 will be like and what it or (He) has in store
for me. I don't know if it's just because it's Friday or if I can feel
30 creeping in... but I'm feeling a little fiesty. Watch out world,
it's a whole new decade!
Happy Friday and don't forget to be Frank!
Until next time...

Yay! Happy Birthdayyyy!!! If you had twitter, I would tweet at you, but you don't so... I'll figure out another means of harassing you today! :)))))