Monday, September 23: A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!
is a foot loose and fancy free kind of topic! Well, if you follow
along on this little piece of bloggy heaven you know pretty much what
I've been up to as I
am an over-sharer keep you well informed! Things have been rocking an rolling lately with no plans to slow this crazy train down!
I welcomed a new decade into my life on Saturday! While the day itself
was less than stellar, I had an AH-mazing not so surprise party that I
won't forget, like ever! Everyone dawned their best redneck attire and
had a little hoe down in my honor. #notjustagardentool The CG has this sweet little
community center that my amazing friends/husband commandeered and turned
into the classiest little redneck haven! I walked up the stairs to
mason jars lit with candles into a room that sparkled from the red solo
cup & PBR garland (which my brother-in-law and his friends were so
helpful to empty the cans)! There was a gorgeous espresso/chocolate cake, pennant flags with my name, a food table full of amazingness, apple pie
moonshine that would knock Uncle Si on his rump and about 20 amazing
friends all there to celebrate moi! My friends and hubby went above and
beyond to create the most amazing party and I am so thankful! Well, my
liver wasn't super thankful but whatevs!
I was lucky to cross off one thing from my
35x35 list this past weekend. I didn't drink for a whole month! Why, do you ask? You lush! Because I've made a commitment to make a change in my life. While you may not believe me because of the debauchery mentioned above, I assure it's true. I've been doing the Advocare 24 day challenge which just so happened to conveniently end on my Bday! Genious, why yes I am! On this challenge you eat certain things, drink a crap ton of water and take more supplements that most 85yr olds. I'm happy to say that I now drink a gallon of water a day, pee more than a racehorse and can be an official pill popper- tmi? I think not! I feel better than ever and will be starting a new cycle of the challenge TODAY! Yeay! My liver is super thankful!
I've decided that one job just isn't enough and I really don't like to sleep or seeing my husband, (
kidding Honey) so I've taken on two more positions within the school that I work for. What school, you ask? Nonya. Some of you know me personally and some don't but I'm not quite ready for celebrity status yet so I'll just be super vauge because I know you love it. #especiallyonfacebook I took a Student Council Adviser job at our HS and am seriously excited! My other fun position is Varsity Cheerleading Coach so I thought these two kind of went hand in hand. I'm ALL about school spirit and don't care how many prepubescent teens think I'm cray cray! Call me crazy or delusional but I'm excited! #heavenhelpthesekids

I am T-minus 5 days away from seeing my Mommy! Yes, I am a 30yr old grown woman and I just said Mommy. When you haven't seen your Mom in almost a year- her name is now Mommy and I will run into her arms probably crying when I see her. Quit with your judging eyes, you would too. Stop lying. Anywho... this trip also brings shopping opportunities, spa days, trips down memory lane and a week filled with mother/daughter amazingness. Oh yeah, I'll see my Dad and Bro too- but they can't get mani/pedis so it's just different, HA! Being all the way in the Last Frontier has made me reflect and appreciate my family SO much more. They're crazy, there's no denying that, and I'm pretty sure my Mom has tried to replace me with her new dog #noreally, but I love and miss them and wouldn't trade them for the world- well... unless there was someone super rich that wanted split custody! Wait, is that Prada calling?
That's a little update on me, what's up with you!? Tell me everything! Have you ever done the 24day challenge? Did you liver want to strangle you this weekend?
Until next time...
I'm realllly thinking about this looking into this Advocare thing because you looked AMAZING and sounds AMAZING after it. :-) So glad to have celebrated your FABULOUSNESS with you honey boo boo. ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell YOU did an amazing job planning/executing lady! I can't thank you enough :)
DeleteI'm so jealous that you had an awesome party. Jake is so NOT a planner, so I'll never get a big shindig. :(
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THE SOLO CUP LIGHTS! That's so awesome! :)
I'll be honest, this is the first party D has planned for me- so there's hope for him! Plus, my amazing friends helped too! Don't lose hope- and give me your hubby's number so I can kick him into gear!!!
DeleteHappy Birthday! I looooove your party theme :) I also nominated you for a fun award, here's the link if you want to check it out!
ReplyDeleteWill do, thanks lady!!
DeleteHappy birthday (ANOTHER September baby??)!!! And wow, your posts kind of excite, kind of exhaust me by the end - so much happening and your cheerleading spirit certainly comes through - I love how personally you write :)
ReplyDeleteThank you? I hope they're not too exhausting! :)
DeleteMy liver totally wanted to kill me on Sunday. Glad I'm not the only 20, errr, I mean 30 something who thinks they're liver is young and fresh and twenty something.
ReplyDeleteSeriously- it was a sad sad day when I figured out I could no longer be "fine" the next day.
DeleteHave a great time with your family!... PS I want to eat that cake right NOW!
ReplyDeleteI would have saved you some!