Sunday, March 2, 2014

Like an oasis in the desert...

I have to be honest and tell you that I've started about 20-30 posts in the past couple of months and just haven't been creative or driven enough to finish them.  I feel like every time I get this great idea and it's just going to come bursting out of me when I have the time to actually write... nothing.  It's like my mind is playing tricks on me! 

It's no surprise that I've been SO super busy for the last couple of months with cheerleading, work, home life and actively trying to lost weight, but something else just seemed off.  I've toyed with the idea to quit my job for about... oh, I don't know... 6 months now.  I mean everyone has days where they dread going to work or they feel drained after it's done (hence why they call it a job, not fun) but normally there are some good days thrown in as well that renew your faith in what you do or breathe some fresh air back into your lungs.  Well, sad to say I had to check C, none of the above for the past couple of months.  It felt like I was going through the motions as a shell of person.  Ok, that's a little melodramatic even for me, but the truth is I was miserable.  There are tons of things I could tell you were causing it, but the bottom line is... it wasn't one thing, it was everything.  So, after much discussion with my better half, I put in my notice.  Even now, with a month left that statement makes me smile and all of a sudden the anxiety, pressure and stress I once felt seems to be lifting. 

March 28th is my last day!  *Double takes* You gave a month?!  Yes... I gave a month.  My job isn't brain surgery by any means but in a tiny town with a tiny job pool, I wanted to give my employer the best chance at finding someone quality for the position.  And... I'd be lying if I didn't hope a little good karma comes my way from not leaving them in a bind.  You see, when I got the job I had only 3 days of training before I was thrown to the wolves- and I do mean wolves.  When you run the HR, District Office, all School Board everything and much, much, MUCH more, you have to know what you're doing, and I want to make sure I have quality time with the next person to give them a fighting shot.  Now, is it my fault if no one applies or they don't make a decision soon enough?  No.  Will this effect my cheerleading since Districts are next week and State two weeks after that?  No.  I can do it all folks! 

Even as I'm writing this I'm thinking of a million things I want to tell you.  Thinking of everything going on right now and how I want so desperately to write about it, but I'm just too tired.  Was it the 23 crockpot freezer meals I made today, or the wine I drank last night?  Perhaps.  But I just can't seem to make the words jump out of my brain and onto the page.  Hopefully, alleviating this mentally draining job will be the first step to my creative juices returning.  Either way, I think it's a step in the right direction.  I mean, I can't just tell you about cooking a million crockpot freezer meals and not post them, right?!  #cliffhanger

Before I end this little conversation, I do really want to thank my husband.  D, you see me.  You support me when I need it most and realize what makes me tick.  I'm a better person with you around... I love your face!

Watch out for those meals later this week!  They are fast, healthy and will stock your freezer in a flash!

Until next time...


  1. That is a LOT of meals! Cliff hanger for real ;) I'm so glad you're feeling happy with your decision, and that things are looking up :)

    1. Thanks Erica! I think this is going to be so positive!

  2. Excited for the meals post!
    Good luck with your decision. I'm a firm believer in eliminating things from your life that cause you unhappiness!

    1. You won't have to wait long Angie... I'm too excited for the meal post!!

  3. I'm glad that you've found the solution to your job. I'm happy for you that you've realized the right move for you and your family! :)

    I can't wait to read about the recipes! :)
